News headlines point to the ‘facts’ that citizens feel in charge of the virus
South Africa
Please, Mr President, keep us weak at the knees
Dear Mr President, Before launching into this letter’s raison d’être, I want you to know that I am truly fond of you. Truly. I want to squeeze your plump cheeks, sit across the dinner table from you just to hear you speak, and give you a good old bear hug at the end of the […]
Eskom is bent
If Eskom is bent, what is it going to take to straighten it out?
Hate and hatred
Black people are angry. White people are angry. Indian people are angry. Coloured people are angry. Chinese people are angry. It would seem that South Africans of all races are angry. There is so much hate and hatred welling up inside each South African, that at a moment’s notice anyone could tweet a harshly worded […]
The war on our women, children and fellow Africans
I am ashamed to be a South African man today. How have we fallen so far as a nation? From being celebrated globally as the ‘Rainbow Nation’ — for our peaceful transition to democracy; for our Constitution which stood as one of the best in the world because of the weight afforded to protecting basic […]
Johannesburg, Johannesburg – City of Gold Of dreams and lives and stories told Bright lights and brighter paths Fulfilling its destiny through its arts Never asleep, never surrendered Always bustling, always unending Johannesburg, Johannesburg – City of Gold Of heartbreaking heroism and divided goals Far greater the riches held by a few Far simpler the […]
Only 26 475 people voted ANC — that’s not even one seat
I said right at the outset, in “New political party in its first election outing“, that: And now we get to 2019, the election that will settle once and for all, whether the ANC actually has ten million votes of its own or not. I followed this up, in “It’s not all GOOD“, with: The […]
Stagflation is an economic condition where inflation is high, economic growth is slow and unemployment is high. To say that South Africa is suffering in a state of stagflation is an understatement. Everyday the cost of living increases, the availability of economic opportunity diminishes and joblessness expands. To confirm this we have been told that […]
The Depo-Testosterone stock out must never repeat itself
By Chris/tine McLachlan It was with great concern that the Sexuality and Gender Division (SGD) of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) became aware of the shortage of Depo Testosterone in South Africa during the period December 2018 till mid-March 2019, resulting in trans masculine persons / trans men being unable to access their […]
What does free and fair mean?
This Human Rights Day, I think it is appropriate to ask, “What is a free and fair election?”. Simply it means that each voter is freely able to choose the option of his or her own choice, and that each contestant is fairly able to compete for each voter’s consideration. So, on the surface, it […]
My song for NICOC
I remember when you were born of me, Level-headed to avoid catastrophe, In service that couldn’t quite compete, Just playing the fool with possibility, Hoping now that we got some remedy, Lifting weight soar above the canopy; Made you grow made you rise above, Nobody’s fool ain’t nobody’s thug, Syndicates came left without any guns, […]
I hate when this happens
I’ve just finished reading the Democratic Alliance’s document, “The Manifesto For Change”. It consists of three parts. The first itemises its economic solutions, the second details its social solutions and the third highlights its political solutions. The DA has been in opposition for a long time, and you can see this in the way that […]