I’ve just finished reading the Democratic Alliance’s document, “The Manifesto For Change”. It consists of three parts. The first itemises its economic solutions, the second details its social solutions and the third highlights its political solutions.

The DA has been in opposition for a long time, and you can see this in the way that they approach this process of making an offer to the electorate. They talk in concrete and practical terms about actual things that they will do, should they be entrusted to govern. This is not wishy-washy, promise-whoring.

I cannot in good conscience disagree with the DA’s manifesto, I also cannot critique it without advertising for the DA. I was really looking forward to this episode of “Watchdogs or Hypocrites?” given that I was going to get stuck into the DA’s manifesto and expose its conservative flesh and liberal seed, for what it is.

Unfortunately, and I really hate when this happens, I cannot find anything out of place. And I’ve become a fan of their practical, well reasoned approach. I actually believe that their solutions will solve problems. Therefore, I ask you, I implore you, I beg you, please Choose Democratic Alliance, Choose Vote Democratic Alliance, Choose Vote for Democratic Alliance, Choose to Democratic Alliance, Choose to Vote Democratic Alliance and Choose to Vote for Democratic Alliance on May 8 2019.

Click here to read the manifesto for change.


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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