Posted inNews/Politics

Pat on the back for Mthethwa

The minister of South African police, Nathi Mthethwa, has openly criticised those cadres who speak out of turn. On Wednesday, SABC radio news reported that the minister, who has been a member of parliament since 2002 and is a current member of the national executive committee of the African National Congress, said that: “There’s no […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Freedom is coming tomorrow

“Get ready mama prepare for your freedom. Freedom is coming tomorrow!” So went the lines of one of the songs in the hugely successful Sarafina musical. It’s a catchy tune too. In terms of the imagery of this Mbongeni Ngema song, freedom comes hurtling towards us at the speed of light, unstoppable and inevitable. Yet […]

Posted inNews/Politics

ANC charge Malema like a wounded buffalo

The chairperson of the African National Congress’s national disciplinary committee, Derek Hanekom, has confirmed that ANC Youth League president Julius Malema’s disciplinary hearing will take place on May 3. The confirmation by the deputy science and technology minister came amid dissatisfaction expressed by the Gauteng ANC leader who said that the membership of no less […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Today’s conspiracy theory

It’s quite simple. Imagine if the plan was never to oust Mbeki in favour of Zuma, but in fact to put Malema in place as our president from the beginning?! Why not do it straight away then you ask? To put Malema against Mbeki would have seemed ludicrous. I mean, Mbeki is practically an “agent”. […]