Posted inLifestyle

All of us are racists

Race is not a subject that South Africans talk about easily and readily, and I think that this particularly the case with white South Africans. The other day I was presenting a lecture on race at what used to be known as Pentech but now is known as the Bellville campus of the Cape Peninsula […]

Posted inLifestyle

Masters of our domain

In the days before mass communication and globalisation and extremely fast air travel turned our world into a shoebox (metaphorically speaking, of course) it was easy enough to be master of your domain. Kill a few wild animals. Perfect the art of the slow-cooked pheasant. Tell a particularly good fireside tale. Hell, even make fire […]

Posted inLifestyle

The Knackered Chef

Since my public admission (on this website) about my non-existent handyman skills, I’ve recently been challenged on another essential “must have” before I can officially call myself a “millennium man”, but this one I refuse to take on the chin! According to my wife, I can’t cook, but picture, if you will, the following scene […]

Posted inGeneral

Can paedophiles be funny?

If you haven’t ever heard of Chris Langham, you’re missing out. He was the comic genius behind the toe-curlingly-delicious spoof documentaries People Like Us. In that series he took the role of investigative journalist Roy Mallard, and made “documentaries” about seemingly normal people and situations. It was understated, nuanced British comedy at its best. He […]