Posted inTech

When privacy no longer counts

I read a couple of stories in the past few days that seemingly have no connection, but that collectively demonstrate how the world we live in has changed. Article #1: Intelligence magazine reports on a new security system that is being put in place in airports in the United States. The system pre-vets travellers and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Tackling racism and sexism

As I read an article about the alleged racist remarks made by Badih Chaaban, a controversial Cape Town city councillor, I thought to myself: I have heard worse in Mitchells Plain and Hanover Park. Chaaban had apparently called mayor Helen Zille a “f***ing b**ch”, Independent Democrats leader Patricia de Lille a “coloured k****r” and said […]

Posted inBusiness

No interest in VC funding

South African entrepreneurs are obviously loaded. How else can you explain the fact that the next First Tuesday, which was meant to be a “panel discussion to determine the state of VC funding in South Africa, what funders are looking for and how you can go about gaining access to the funds available” has been […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Tarnishing Mandela’s name

One of the most disturbing aspects of how South Africans perceive Nelson Mandela and his role in bringing democracy to this country is the way he is crassly misinterpreted, leading to the serious blemishing of his legacy. It does not matter whether this is done deliberately, unwittingly or merely as a result of deep naivety. […]

Posted inMediaTech

Blogger’s block

Immediately after I was approached to join Thought Leader, I was overwhelmed with an inner excitement that somehow left my fingers shaking at the same time. My immediate conclusion, before my profile was launched, was that I finally had a neutral place to lay down my thoughts and ideas indefinitely, where the information I squeezed […]

Posted inBusinessTech

Managing your identity

People through the ages have always had a requirement to prove in a credible and trustworthy manner that they are indeed who they say they are. Given the power that comes with a person authenticating their identity, it follows naturally that the art of identity fraud has become prevalent in areas where a lot of […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Counter-media: Alive in Baghdad

A group of American and Iraqi reporters has launched a blog, website and YouTube video channel called Alive in Baghdad that “formed to counter the sound-bite-driven, ‘live from’ news model”. The videos on YouTube, predictably, have inspired a lot of comments. The interesting aspect of this project, and many others like it, is its counter-media […]

Posted inGeneral

BEE company to feed Kruger visitors to animals

“BEE company wins 10-year contract to feed Kruger visitors: “A black economic empowerment group has been given a multimillion-rand contract to run all restaurants in the Kruger National Park, in Mpumalanga. The group has signed a lucrative 10-year contract with the South African National Parks to operate the Kruger’s 12 restaurants.” — UPI The reporter […]