Instagram beaches, but the misogyny, poverty and remnants of slavery can sour the tropical food in your mouth
It’s not poor management, it’s poor leadership
Attuned leadership, is guided by its ethics and virtues but has self-agency and makes choices informed by their own communities’ felt needs
Compassion needed as poverty threatens our social fabric
Monumental disparities raise the risk of epic upheaval in South Africa and globally
Why do foreign donors wish to control African CSOs?
Donors keep telling Africans to ‘be patient’ and ‘remain hopeful’, but most haven’t increased their funding since Covid-19
‘Go local’ say small-scale farmers and retailers
Strategies for how to become more resilient were discussed at a meeting held in Pietermaritzburg
Sex workers, former inmates and people who use drugs help to feed the world during the pandemic
But now funders need to explicitly include food provision as an essential part of Covid-19 relief
Clean-up after South Africa’s violence reveals a deeper rot
Is a system that leaves people with nothing left to lose in any way worth supporting?
Our responses to social unrest and structural uncertainty are not enough
Social protection strategies that emphasise systemic responses only to ‘livelihood shocks and uncertainties’ hardly take into account the ways in which poverty and unemployment are produced and reproduced in South Africa
Active steps to ensure our cities’ social and economic sustainability need to be taken now
Waiting until we emerge from this pandemic will only perpetuate our problems
Covid-19: Fast and furious like a runaway car
But we need to take care of the metaphors we use to describe the pandemic
Remembering Shona Bagley and other loved ones
Death is everywhere. Charmain Naidoo thinks about her encounters with that dark word and world