Posted inGeneral

When I am president

I often dream of running my own banana republic. Nothing too big. I am not a greedy man. Something about the size of KwaZulu-Natal. In fact, KZN would be perfect. It’s got the bananas and is sufficiently balmy to keep the populace in that happy stupor that will prevent any thought of an uprising. The […]

Posted inGeneral

How serious is the ANC on crime?

The South African public are inundated by calls for crimes to be overlooked, forgiven or — in some cases — not to be considered crimes at all. Unsurprisingly, the vast mast majority of these emanate from those at the very heart of power in this country. The number of judges, correctional services officials, politicians and […]

Posted inGeneral

The Southern Kings: Where to now?

Over the course of today, most if not all South African rugby fans would have heard the news that the Southern Kings did not win the right to be the 15th franchise in the expanded Super 15 competition, set to kick off in 2011. To say that this news is surprising would be the same […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What drove the Aids holocaust?

A genocide which has claimed more lives than Adolf Hitler’s gas chambers: the 20th century African holocaust. Who is to blame this time? What devil lurks in the background wreaking such ruin on our people? The answer is plain and simple — party politics. A chapter in the long Aids death march has come to […]

Posted inLifestyle

The evil of meat

In a world buckling under economic recession, in a country of violence and crime and poverty, how can anyone find the time to care about the treatment of animals? The simple answer is: we have no choice. The very fabric of our humanity is being torn apart by the brutality and horrors being perpetrated, and […]