Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Ubuntu: Myth or antidote to today’s socio-political and leadership challenges?

South Africa’s current conditions of misunderstanding and intolerance of difference, of leadership disconnection with the people and of business misalignment with holistic human development are screaming for something fresh. The manner in which we relate to each other as people sharing the same space (in all its manifestations!) is unsustainable and demands change. Here’s an […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A man of substance

If Barack Obama wins Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary — and after his decisive showing in the Iowa caucuses last week, his chances look very strong — it will be time to start thinking seriously about President Obama. The prospect appeals. Not to Bill Clinton, of course. He has been telling reporters Obama is unelectable and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Jacob Zuma: Four weddings and an indictment

While Kenyans were praying for peace yesterday, their leaders continued to squabble over the spoils of the elections. Probably just some form of “post”-destructuralism I must have missed. Mind you, if you think they’re slightly misguided, how about Bobby “Who’s Fuelling Whom” Mugabe who announced his brand-new elephant biltong over the weekend? Local conservationists are […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

‘The roots of fear’ and the leaftips of hope

Sharon Begley, an outstanding reporter/writer for Newsweek, wrote an exceptional piece on the roles and rules of fear and hope in American presidential politics (“The roots of fear”, December 24 2007). Against the backdrop of South Africa’s mostly superficial Bakelite* political analysis in which the same tawdry arguments about personalities and so-called “policy planning” (an […]