Posted inNews/Politics

No, Mr Kamm, rendition is never justified

British writer Oliver Kamm, in a column that appeared in Monday’s Guardian, would suggest that rendition in certain circumstances, primarily to combat terrorism, is justified. Moreover, according to Kamm: “Rendition does not mean torture. It means moving someone from one country to another without reference to a formal extradition treaty.” In layman’s terms, “rendition” is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Free Tibet like you freed Kosovo

Every now and then in the messy quagmire that is diplomacy and international relations, the true hypocrisy of all this jostling for national position becomes glaringly obvious. Lightly camouflaged behind a veneer of garish moral make-up and far from the bright lights of CNN and the BBC, the diplomatic whores and pimps of our world’s […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Do South Africans respect a uniform?

When a group captain at the Wittering air base near Peterborough, England, advised Royal Air Force personnel not to wear their uniforms in public, it sparked an enormous outcry. Weren’t these people part of the armed forces responsible for the safety of Britain and, accordingly, entitled to the public’s respect? Closer to home, we could […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Tibetan Freedom Day: March 10

For anyone in Cape Town and interested in Tibet and creating more awareness around the country’s problems, I’ve just found out that Cape Town will be the first official African supporter of Tibet’s 10th of March Freedom Day at lunchtime on Monday. There will be a statement from the Dalai Lama, a flag-raising and a […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Mega-crisis in the making?

Things come together, the capitalism system cannot hold. That’s the message from Canadian activist academic Dr Sandra Rein, speaking at a seminar on gender activism at Rhodes University on the weekend. And here we were thinking that our biggest problems are racism, crime, political degeneration and electricity. “We have a global crisis if you look […]