Posted inNews/Politics

Animal activists can’t see the bull for the dust

These animal activists, what a fuss they make about matters beyond their ken. So filled with neo-colonial, white racist presumptuousness. They arise from scoffing their Steers burgers (herds of cattle, eyes rolling at the stench of imminent slaughter, slashing and trampling in frantic but futile attempt at escape) and Kentucky Fried Chicken (a shoebox existence […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The only ‘apie’ is Terre’Blanche

Eugene Terre’Blanche is in trouble once again. A comment he made in Pretoria over the weekend has been reported to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) which has confirmed that it is currently with their legal services department. Terre’Blanche, leader of the fringe Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), allegedly pointed at the statue of Chief Tshwane […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Simelane’s rule of law

At a press conference to explain his response to the Ginwala Commission, a journalist asked then-president Kgalema Motlanthe to elaborate on what he meant by referring the matter of the director-general of the department of justice and constitutional development, Menzi Simelane, to the minister “in accordance with the law”. Simelane had, according to the Ginwala […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Blame Canada!

Oh Canada, how could you? To me, you were always a byword for decency, for niceness. For reason in a world torn apart by madness. You were Colin Mochrie and Mounties and caring about the Queen (except for the Quebecois, who were so rude to poor Prince Charles recently). You managed to combine diversity and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Why Simelane for the NPA?

Constitutional law expert Pierre de Vos has suggested that the appointment of advocate Menzi Simelane as national director of prosecutions is “the darkest and most scandalous day yet in the short life of President [Jacob] Zuma’s tenure”. Writing two pieces on the new head of the NPA, De Vos is scathing calling Simelane “a liar” […]