Posted inNews/Politics

The Invictus Madiba magic

Once in a while, we have a movie that pulls at the heart strings as it attempts to re-establish friendship between African people and those of European descent. On the Day of Reconciliation I went to watch Invictus by Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman. The movie is about how former President Nelson Mandela bent backwards […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Cliff: hate speech, not free speech

Mantombazana ‘Manto’ Edmie Tshabalala-Msimang was a South African politician who will, no doubt, be remembered for her controversial policies on HIV-Aids while Minister of Health under President Thabo Mbeki. Unquestionably she drew fire from many quarters with some even calling for her to be held accountable for the deaths that resulted from those policies. She […]

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Zuma is nobody’s puppet

As South Africans approached their elections earlier this year, many were apprehensive about the favours that were owed by the then presumptive President Jacob Zuma to the left wing of the ANC, Cosatu, the SA Communist party and the ANC Youth League. Indeed analysts and political observers expressed concerns that the President would land up […]

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Our much-loved Malema Dilemma

Are the fortunes of South Africa’s political enfant terrible – African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) President Julius Malema – falling? Hasn’t he been recently called a ‘drama queen’, a ‘sound bite politician’ and a ‘joke’? Was he was not effectively booed out of a political conference, by his own South African Communist Party (SACP) […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Manto’s gone, so what?

So Gareth Cliff is insensitive for speaking ill of the dead. We should obviously now accept the word of the ANC that Manto Tshabalala-Msimang didn’t use her influence to hijack a donor liver from somebody who’d been waiting much longer than she had, and the stories about her kleptomania were surely contrived by her political […]

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Malema to Cronin: U R in trouble luv Juju

The City Press report, revealing that an embarrassed ANC Youth League president Julius Malema sent a threatening SMS to SA Communist Party (SACP) deputy general secretary Jeremy Cronin following his somewhat less-than-glorious appearance at the SACP conference, clearly demonstrates that post-Polokwane the strongmen are flexing their muscles and woe betide anyone that gets in the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mokonyane: Just another politician after all

A few months ago I wrote about Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane suspending the former director of Gauteng’s roads and transport department, Sibusiso Buthelezi. It’s been reported that a disciplinary process against Buthelezi was aborted mid-stream and that an agreement was reached. As a Gauteng citizen I am curious why such a settlement suddenly became necessary. […]