Posted inNews/Politics

Feeding Cope to the dogs

In politics, and in Cope in particular, sometimes it is necessary to “cut through the spin” of that spun by those claiming to cut through the spin. Especially when their cutting lacks surgical precision and leaves much to be desired. I was rather amused by the virtually instantaneous return of two of Cope’s most notorious […]

Posted inNews/PoliticsSport

Fifa: Time for a coup?

By Adriaan Basson Who owns the sea? (BP might think they do, but no.) And street cricket? And climbing up Table Mountain? Horse racing? And walking your dog? So why do we allow Fifa to continue behaving as if they own the beautiful game? Why should I be forced to pay R30 for one reddish […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Muslims against World Cup terror

Police were on high alert last week as thousands of ticket-holders headed to the Royal Bafokeng Stadium for the World Cup match between England and the US. Rustenburg was sealed off from all non-ticket holders as security forces were on high alert due to the political realities of the teams, and violent threats that had […]