Posted inNews/Politics

COP17: Business, govt must work together

By Bjorn Stigson An important topic for discussion during my recent South Africa trip was the17th Conference of Parties (COP17) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is being hosted in Durban this year. COP 17 is important in order to steer a course towards a sustainable world. But scepticism surrounds […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Dewani extradition still in play

British Judge Howard Riddle ruled last Wednesday that Bristol businessman Shrien Dewani, who is accused of murdering his wife Anni while on honeymoon in Cape Town during November 2010, can be extradited to South Africa to face charges of murder, robbery with aggravating circumstances and kidnapping. The decision is, however, not the final word on […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What do WE know about the London riots?

By James Duminy The recent acts of insurrection, violence and looting in London have drawn typically shocked and patronising condemnation from all corners of the newspaper-reading classes. “Isn’t it just shocking that people can behave like this? What must their parents say?” A particularly pernicious discourse has emerged to describe these events — the vocabulary […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Et tu, Tutu?

Dear Reverend Tutu, I apologise for giving this blog entry such a corny name. I realised the phrase “Et tu” had been used at least twice before — once by some old Roman politician and once by Dr Bandula Kothalawala (not to mention the band by that name somewhere on YouTube). Be that as it […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Hackney is everywhere

By Aragorn Eloff What is the crime of looting a corporate chain store next to the crime of owning one? — Luther Brecht The sheer volume of commentary from across the political spectrum has made it hard to keep up with — and even harder to know where to stand on — the widespread riots […]