Posted inLifestyle

Is religion rubbish?

Following my post several weeks ago arguing for atheism and against gods and religion of all kinds, much debate has ensued. At some stage, I will try to summarise the main points in a new post. However, you might like to check out the intense discussion in the comments of the original piece: Why atheists […]

Posted inLifestyle

Isn’t life wonderful?

Here’s a disruptive thought: life is a spectacular thing, all the time. Life is what we are given. Or, to put it differently, it’s what we have. It’s the brute, unchangeable fact that connects us all. It’s what we all absolutely have in common, the singular reality on which there is, and can be, no […]

Posted inGeneral

Isn’t life wonderful?

Here’s a disruptive thought: life is a spectacular thing, all the time. Life is what we are given. Or, to put it differently, it’s what we have. It’s the brute, unchangeable fact that connects us all. It’s what we all absolutely have in common, the singular reality on which there is, and can be, no […]

Posted inTech

Sex model pulls in the crowds on Facebook

Who wouldn’t want to be friends with a hot, naked, friendly blonde who had recently lost her digital camera containing some very explicit photos? Thanks to Facebook’s relaxed (that is, non-existent) identity-verification process, anyone could. And did. She received, apparently, “tens of thousands” of offers to return her lost property. Property whose finding was aided […]

Posted inGeneral

Is it possible that crime is good?

We’ve all heard, ad nauseum, the analysis of how terrible crime is, and how it’s wrecking South Africa, chasing away tourists and creating a general lawlessness in our society. But what benefit does crime bring to the South African economy? For a few years now, I’ve been tossing out this question as soon as I […]

Posted inGeneral

Why atheists are just plain right

“Religion comes from the period of human history where nobody, not even the mighty Democritus, who concluded that all matter was made from atoms, had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our own inescapable demand for […]

Posted inGeneral

Facebook is the CIA’s Wet Dream

Memo from the Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency, John E. McLaughlin, Langley, Virginia to President George W Bush Circa 2004 TO: THE GREAT LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD People, on the one hand, are paranoid about privacy. They jump up and down every time there’s any kind of new legislation to monitor or track them. […]

Posted inTech

Facebook is the CIA’s Wet Dream

Memo from the Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency, John E. McLaughlin, Langley, Virginia to President George W Bush Circa 2004 TO: THE GREAT LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD People, on the one hand, are paranoid about privacy. They jump up and down every time there’s any kind of new legislation to monitor or track them. […]