Posted inGeneral

Do something…

Just what a blind species we are — in the sense of showing hardly any capacity for foresight — was brought home to me again recently when I read a short article in TIME magazine on James Cameron’s visit to the province of Alberta, Canada, at the request of indigenous peoples, to see first-hand the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Right2Know: There’s a fight to be fought

By Glenda Daniels This is my first blog. I will write about confessions of a non-blogger, non-tweeter, non-Facebooker, another time. For now, an exciting, nerve-wracking, tense, but maybe even adventurous year awaits us. There are confusing issues to digest regarding the democratic space of the media in 2011 after the traumatic flurry last year: journalists’ […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Why Power Balance® is like apartheid

It’s happened twice this weekend: once on Friday among the black-pants-and-blue-shirt-set at The Baron on Fredman Drive, once at the Ciao Baby Cucina in Cedar Square. That’s where I saw young men wearing Power Balance wristbands. You have to admire their persistence and their bravery, because they might as well be walking around wearing twinkling […]

Posted inGeneral

UK commission mulls assisted dying

The Commission on Assisted Dying, being conducted by Lord Falconer in the United Kingdom, is focusing upon a highly controversial issue which will become more and more contentious as the 21st century unfolds. It’s aim is to consider what system, if any, should exist to allow people to be helped to die and whether changes […]

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Do you know who I am?

By Ori Ben-zeev I remember hearing a story a couple of years ago about an Austrian prime minister who parked illegally and received a fine. Are you ready for the twist? He paid it and apologised. Definitely something unheard of in many, if not most, places in the world: a government official that does not […]

Posted inGeneral

Why is Dewani being compared to Shaik?

Judge Howard Riddle excused Shrien Dewani from attending Thursday’s preliminary extradition hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court, which was postponed to February 8 for the purpose of the formal proceedings. As reported earlier today British publicist Max Clifford said that Shrien did not need to attend court because it is a 20-minute formality to fix a […]