Posted inNews/Politics

Gaddafi’s gifts to Mozambique

By Luis Nhachote On Thursday, news of Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal end topped the news. In Mozambique, many people will remember the antics of the colonel and the times he spent there. Frequently during his visits, he nonchalantly shuffled the protocols of the Frelimo government to gain favour with the public. I remember the 2003 summit […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SA should acknowledge Kosovo’s independence

By Hannine Drake My recent announcement that I was planning to spend my upcoming vacation in Kosovo was mostly met with curiosity as well as some enthusiasm from the “developed countries are for the weak” crowd. One of the popular responses, apart from “why”, was: “Is it even a country?” But what may initially seem […]

Posted inGeneral

Taking on ‘Gareth Cliff on Everything’

It is far easier to collect books than to actually read them. Recently, even the most bookish of my friends report some measure of difficulty in reading a book from start to finish. These are not people who have spent their lives eschewing books. Many of us spent our teenage years lapping up classics with […]

Posted inGeneral

Understanding the brand conversation

Successful migration to a consolidated communications infrastructure begins and ends with successful communication. This sounds like a simple statement, but it carries with it many layers of complexity. Internal communications, the lifeblood of any organisation, is the first mission-critical factor. It should incorporate staff at every level, from security workers through to maintenance, marketing and […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Black journalists’ role in the struggle needs to be re-examined

It was 34 years ago that the apartheid regime mounted its assault against the freedom and integrity of so-called black newspapers. On October 19 1977, the government silenced the World and Weekend World publications, which were mistaken for revolutionary voices simply because of the skin colour of the staff and the racially segmented market they […]

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Use French rugby form-book as braai paper

Any punter who suggests that the All Blacks beating France in Sunday’s Rugby World Cup final is a “sure thing” has obviously forgotten that if there is one thing that you can always bank on when it comes to Les Tricolores rugby, it’s that there is absolutely nothing that you can bank on. Every time […]