Posted inNews/Politics

Makoni, political fallacies and impressionable Zimbabweans

Submitted by Terence M Mashingaidze In Zimbabwe’s imagined Orwellian hierarchy of political consciousness and roles, the educated, those in the diaspora and the urbanites are more perceptive about politics and governance issues compared with their supposed uneducated compatriots and rural residents. I have heard on numerous occasions the exhortation by urbanites and those in the […]

Posted inMediaTech

The SA Blog Awards: Storm in a thimble

The “debate” about this year’s SA Blog Awards has gone from irrational to hilarious to just plain stupid. Fuelled by a tiny community of self-proclaimed experts who doubtlessly feel left out of the action, the war of words has labelled the awards as unrepresentative, elitist, exclusionist, ill-conceived and invalid. And all this over a completely […]

Posted inLifestyle

My un-favourite things

Most of the time I write about things I really, really like. Today feels like an opposite day. So here are a few of my un-favourite things: (Before anyone takes offence, these are a few of my un-favourites. Not speaking for all of South Africa here). People who read blogs only to pick out the […]

Posted inGeneral

Images, language, women and patriarchy

Late in the 1990s, a groundbreaking interdisciplinary study appeared that shed light on an age-old struggle, and did so in a novel way. In his book The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict between Word and Image (published by Penguin Arkana, New York, 1998), Leonard Shlain, neurologist and neurosurgeon turned philosopher, offers a novel argument […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No, Mr Kamm, rendition is never justified

British writer Oliver Kamm, in a column that appeared in Monday’s Guardian, would suggest that rendition in certain circumstances, primarily to combat terrorism, is justified. Moreover, according to Kamm: “Rendition does not mean torture. It means moving someone from one country to another without reference to a formal extradition treaty.” In layman’s terms, “rendition” is […]