Posted inGeneral

Why I’ll never live in New Zealand with my Bokkie

The official New Zealand Department of Population and Sustainable Development website has a page dedicated to sheep. Or more specifically, a page dedicated to correcting the misperception that the sheep-to-human ratio in New Zealand is 20:1. I’m not making this up. I find this fascinating. Clearly, the clear-thinking government of New Zealand identified this […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zim: Quiet diplomacy is the only way!

Prophets of doom are battling to swallow their words as President Thabo Mbeki’s diplomatic efforts in Zimbabwe appear to be vindicated. Mbeki has maintained that a people-centred approach stemming from dialogue between Zanu-PF and the MDC is the only hope of a lasting solution to the political and economic meltdown in that country. Since Mbeki […]

Posted inGeneral

Really, we’re a society of illiterates?

Someone told me the other day that we live in a society of illiterates, that kids don’t read any more and that the quality of our interaction with words is declining because of TV and tabloid newspapers. All I could say in response was: “Huh?” It’s so easy to talk about corruption of journalism and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Would a Barack Obama Presidency be good for Africa?

The American presidential election is about a year away from the national conventions where the Republicans and Democrats nominate their candidates. This takes place in the summer before elections. As things stand, analysts are predicting a Democratic president, namely Hillary Clinton. If, however, the Democrats nominate Obama at their Denver Convention, would that be in […]

Posted inMedia

Manto, the multimedia story

The Sunday Times story surrounding our embattled health minister has been a good example of integrated journalism. The newspaper broke the big story, yet the online presence went further than just plonking a repeat of the story on the web. Nowadays, media companies are publishing source material and the original supporting documentation of their stories […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Whose responsibility is Zimbabwe?

So the SADC summit has come and gone, and once more there is nothing but platitudes coming from the SADC leadership. After veering from one false dawn to another, one has to come to two conclusions; firstly, that the SADC leadership will not intervene, whatever the humanitarian cost, in the affairs of Zimbabwe, and secondly, […]

Posted inLifestyle

The government on make-up

Mrs Traps, “the government”, clearly missed her calling as a beautician. Every morning she hits the bathroom and begins a ritual that is a must for any wannabe kugel. Having studied this for years I felt, seeing as I wasn’t doing anything right now, I’d share it with you. THE GOVERNMENT ON MAKE-UP 1. Take […]

Posted inLifestyle

Fun places to live #456723

What I wouldn’t give to live in the town of Brattleboro, Vermont. They sound like such fun people. For years the town (population 12 005, according to their Wikipedia entry) has been nudist-friendly … there is no ordinance prohibiting nudity in the state or in the town. And so people who like letting it all […]