Posted inGeneral

The big Zuma factor

The biggest political question hanging over all our heads at this critical moment in our history is that of Jacob Zuma. What will he do — or not — if and when he becomes the president; not so much of the ANC, but of the country? Cosatu and the SACP’s frenetic support for Zuma is […]

Posted inLifestyle

All of us are racists

Race is not a subject that South Africans talk about easily and readily, and I think that this particularly the case with white South Africans. The other day I was presenting a lecture on race at what used to be known as Pentech but now is known as the Bellville campus of the Cape Peninsula […]

Posted inGeneral

House-proud homeless

I was driving along the freeway the other day (never quite sure which one, but one of those that take you out of the city) when I saw a homeless man, living under a bridge right next to the road. He had the obligatory shopping trolley, filled with tins and bottles and random bits of […]

Posted inGeneral

National interest versus public interest

Writing in “A decade of democracy“, published by the finance weekly Financial Mail, President Thabo Mbeki says: “Those who tell the story of the past decade must show they have assimilated the spirit of new times and can speak in its language.” For me, at least for the purposes of this blog, I will misinterpret […]

Posted inBusiness

Developing the developmental state

Get more specific than the broad macro-economics of the Washington Consensus, and look at how the state-market combo affects poverty and inequality. This was the view of Professor Murray Leibbrandt at the Rhodes politics teach-in on Thursday. Implementing his advice, he painted a picture of a South African imbalance: the market had generated an even […]