Posted inGeneral

SA commentators suck

I have long held that our sports commentators are pretty weak. It is an evident fact to all that to be on TV, particularly for SuperSport you simply have to have played the game at a high level. I can name only two South African commentators that deserve to be given my attention, Bob Skinstad […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Thinking Africa from the Cape

By Suren Pillay Growing up in the Cape, we were taught that we were “Western”. How do we explain and undo this colonial sensibility? From my location at a university, there are two realisations from which to proceed. Firstly, the history of knowledge production, and the history of the organisation of knowledge — the ways […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Of mice and Malema

The re-election of Julius Malema as president of the ANC Youth League came as no surprise. The platform afforded him by the court challenge to his singing “the song whose name will not be mentioned” settled any doubt as to his intelligence, the fact of him being so articulate also consolidated his support base. As […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SA’s fallen and can’t get up

In my previous blog “Don’t gamble away SA’s future” I question the future of a country not providing proper education. So we’re halfway through the year and there hasn’t been a peep out of the political hacks regarding their plans to ensure education standards, particularly for the matriculants, will be improved and the tinkering down […]

Posted inBusinessMedia

Celebrating the Consumer Act

It’s taken me a little while, but I’m truly starting to understand and revel in the full implications of the Consumer Protection Act brought into effect in March this year. The introduction of the CPA, along with some personal experiences in the first half of this year have certainly fuelled the fire of my desire […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The media mafia

I don’t know when it hit me but it was during my first year as a young reporter in 1985 when I had just joined City Press newspaper fresh from studying communications at Fort Hare University. That was when I noticed that newspaper journalists, sub-editors, columnists and editors in every publication have, unavoidably, a particular […]

Posted inGeneral

Superman, at a school near you…

The “village” and your family are supposed to be the first school everyone is exposed to. They’re supposed to teach us the fundamentals of living harmoniously together and sharing this world with others. But both the school and family are fighting for their very survival in today’s so-called modern forms of social organisation. The township […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

What a media tribunal means

By Glenda Daniels I wonder if the media appeals tribunal the ANC wants so badly will happen. Raymond Louw, deputy chairperson of the media freedom committee at the South African National Editor’s Forum (Sanef), who I interviewed on Wednesday reflected that it would, but in about a year’s time, after an investigation into its feasibility […]