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Southern Kings saga continues

It is with much amusement that I see the conundrum of the Southern Kings is yet to be solved. Slated to join Super Rugby in 2013, the SA Rugby Union (Saru) is no closer to figuring out a way to squeeze the Eastern Cape franchise into the competition without screwing one of the other five […]

Posted inGeneral

Use French rugby form-book as braai paper

Any punter who suggests that the All Blacks beating France in Sunday’s Rugby World Cup final is a “sure thing” has obviously forgotten that if there is one thing that you can always bank on when it comes to Les Tricolores rugby, it’s that there is absolutely nothing that you can bank on. Every time […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Sweatshop sugar

When you pour a packet of South African-made sugar into your morning coffee, you can feel good about the fact that the workers who milled, refined, packed, and shipped it are paid relatively decent wages, enjoy basic benefits, and are protected against severe exploitation. In many respects, South African sugar is about as “ethical” as […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What makes you a bad black?

Once upon a time, not so long ago, a bright-eyed bushy-tailed little black Sipho was born with a defect, which doctors would later recognise to be a dictionary, in his mouth. Little Sipho was a curious little boy, reading anything he could get his tiny Zulu hands on (of course, relative to other kids his […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Goodbye Malema. Farewell Zuma

The 30th of August – 30 BC – is the day on which Cleopatra the famous seventh queen of Egypt committed suicide. Apparently, she deliberately poked an Egyptian cobra until it was so angry it bit her. In Shakespeare’s version of the story – Anthony and Cleopatra – Cleopatra died holding the snake that bit […]

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1976: The struggle continues

By Amukelani Mayimele I often hear people complain about how there is no hope, how the world has many problems and can never change. The question is: has it ever occurred to them that they should do their part in changing the world? Could it be that people have chosen to settle for what is […]