Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Why commercial law?

Now and I again my friends, who seem never to pay attention to anything I tell them, ask me about my career plans. “So, which area of law will you specialise in?” they ask. When I tell them that I am training to specialise in commercial law, I see their curiosity whirling to awe. I […]

Posted inHealthNews/PoliticsTech

The dashed dreams of medical quackery

White South Africans harbour numerous carefully nurtured prejudices about their fellow citizens and delusions about themselves. One is that blacks are uneducated and backward, eschewing reason for superstition. Whites, in contrast, are masters of reason, hacking a scientific path through thickets of ignorance. Such assumptions are particularly glaring in health matters. Although the term “witchdoctor” […]

Posted inEnvironmentEqualityGender violenceGeneralHealthLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Living in constant fear

ON Thursday 19 September, South Africans heard why this remains a country where its people are still living in constant fear. Two decades of African National Congress self-interest and bungling have failed to curb crime, despite the asinine claptrap with which SA’s minister of police Nathi Mthethwa insulted the country. Millions of ordinary South Africans […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Neoliberalism: ‘Stop thinking because this is it’

“What is neoliberalism?” The young American student looks at me with faux innocence of the wide-eyed sort. She’s not sure what it is. “Can you explain?” Sniggers precede and succeed the question. With that little question-and-snigger, neoliberal hegemony re-iterates its reach across the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa, by way of that island that formerly […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Coy Western maidens toy with Zulu culture

Positions Vacant Wanted: 30 000 dancers for an ensemble performance. Requirements: Applicants must be virgins, young and single, as well as willing to dance semi-nude. Remuneration: None. That’s not a classified advertisement likely to lure the modern woman. Indeed, for a dance director in Paris, London or even Salt Lake City, the challenge of finding 30 000 […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mandela a symbol of social cohesion beyond black and white

What happened outside the private-owned Mediclinic in Arcadia, Pretoria, in the last six weeks that Nelson Mandela was in hospital was neither a make-believe kaleidoscope of non-racialism nor uncaring citizens trying to be what they are not. Rather, this monumental expression of solidarity, cooperation and interaction of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, trans-class and largely public display […]