Posted inNews/Politics

Civil liberties at stake

The only thing Britain’s Labour Party has in common with the country’s working people is its name. It’s been demonstrated over and over again in the past two decades that parties claiming to uphold the interests of the poor must do more than just being seers of truth and guardians of traditions. The neo-liberal agenda […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Normalising xenophobia

The barbaric violence, including the intimidation and killings that silenced the ho hum of the rainbow nation for the past three weeks, has finally subsided. Ordinary South Africans, after witnessing the bloodshed sprayed all over their newspapers and television screens, appear to have returned to the daily drama of their own lives. Of course, the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Middle East: US Foreign policy under Obama

Most observers must have been shaken from their self-delusion about Barack Obama’s supposedly more “humane and wise approach to foreign policy” after he addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on the 4th June 2008. There is nothing pacifist nor anything anti-imperialist about the man’s political outlook, less so about his foreign policy orientation. Beneath […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Zanu-PF Fan Club (also known as the ANC)

Robert Mugabe is one lucky dictator, being in the enviable position of having outsourced his foreign diplomacy efforts to the South African government. By preventing a discussion in the United Nations Security Council on Zimbabwe’s political situation, South Africa is doing its utmost to ensure that the international community does nothing about the tyrannous regime’s […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Who owns your mind?

I go face to face with Wadim Schreiner for the inside scoop on agenda setting and the battle for control of your brain. Schreiner is a specialist media analyst and the MD of Media Tenor South Africa and partner in Media Tenor International (Switzerland). He decodes and analyses media trends and interprets the media agenda […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Liquid Zimbabwe

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called on England cricketers to boycott Zimbabwe, on Robert Mugabe to resign and on the United Nations to send in peacekeepers for the presidential run-off. South Africa’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate is in no mood to allow the violence that is destabilising the region to go on unchallenged. Captain Courageous, never […]