Posted inNews/Politics

In praise of an ex-dictator

I have been listening to Bantu Holomisa speak for the past 21 years. On Thursday night I heard him again at the University of Johannesburg. Attendees were told that the Major General would deliver a lecture on his initiative to include a question about citizens’ views on constituency representation in the election manifestos of political […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics


To listen to Jacaranda 94.2 is to step back and across into an alternate dimension — one where the soundtrack is pure eighties pop. Bizarre. George Michael, Sheena Easton, Marc Alex, Billy Idol … And then there’s Just Plain Darren, erstwhile Supersport, 5FM and East Coast jock, along with his trusty sidekick John Walland. Damn, […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Preaching hatred: ‘Islam is a puppet religion’

South Africans against a backdrop of xenophobia, racist remarks being made freely and without sanction by the chairman of the parliamentary sports portfolio committee and homophobic nonsense from Jon Qwelane, need to intervene immediately and with venom against the preacher who made Islamophobic remarks at a Cape Town school yesterday. The Christian preacher allegedly made […]