Posted inNews/Politics

After Mbeki: is ‘unity’ and ‘stability’ enough to meet South Africa’s challenges?

Submitted by Tristan Gorgens Listening to the various reactions to Mbeki’s resignation on Sunday I was struck by a the reaction by Archbishop Emeritus Tutu, one of the few ethical, non-aligned leaders left in our country, in which he said, “I can’t myself imagine that a party itself would say its unity is far more […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Interesting times indeed … the CMRS on Mbeki and leadership

The Community of Mandela Rhodes Scholars is committed to four core principles: leadership, entrepreneurship, reconciliation and education. The principle of leadership requires all scholars to commit themselves to ethical leadership; leadership that places the interests of society ahead of the interests of individuals, factions or groups. In attempting to propagate its principles, the Community as […]