Posted inNews/Politics

Chemical castration for rapists?

Poland, in response to a shocking case of incest, is set to table legislation which will enable judges to sentence paedophiles to chemical castration. The bill, if passed, will be the first of its kind within the European Union and will spark intense debate both in Poland and the EU. The case, involving a […]

Posted inNews/PoliticsTech

The diary of President Ivy

Exclusive: The 12 hours of the Matsepe-Casaburri presidency, revealed through the acting president’s diary September 25, midnight: Yippee!!! I’m the president! No, the President, with a capital P! No one can stop me now! I’m so happy I could change a law! 12.01am: Just heard my first President Matsepe-Casaburri joke from the Internet. Q: What […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Maybe next time?

I missed Thabo Mbeki’s farewell speech on Sunday night and was desperate the next morning to catch a glimpse of his apparently wet eyes bidding goodbye to a nation. I rush over to the SABC website hoping to find an uploaded video of the evening’s drama. I don’t find anything. Instead, I come across videos […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Et tu Ruth?

Ruth Kelly, the UK transport secretary, dropped a political time bomb on British Prime Minister Gordon Brown less than 24 hours after what many analysts believe was the Labour leader’s make-or-break speech to the party conference in Manchester. The Member of Parliament for Bolton West confirmed that she would be leaving the Cabinet in order […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A call for disunity

The South African body politic is sick. And it’s the ANC’s fault. Not because 10 cabinet ministers and the president resigned this week. Not because a motley crew of populists have taken unceremonious control of party and state. And not because all the turbulence has shaved a few percentage points off the rand or the […]