Posted inNews/Politics

‘Issues that arouse’

“The issues that arouse at the Special Conference of the South African Communist Party last year, in relation to the ANC delegation to the conference, will be finalised at a bilateral … ” So reads the last paragraph of the section dealing with the alliance in the ANC’s post-Lekgotla statement released today. Clearly this is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Nasa: Going beyond the clouds

It seems not even revered aeronautical institution Nasa could escape the belt-tightening effects of the recession. Their chosen solution though was something you will not find in any scientific or engineering journals. Reports today indicate that cocaine was found in a processing hangar for the shuttle Discovery. Nasa, however, officially deny that the stash formed […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma is nobody’s puppet

When the opposition parties took to the election trail during 2008 and 2009 one of the focal points of their campaign was the fact that Jacob Zuma, now president, was beholden to the left wing of the ANC, Cosatu and the SACP, among others, for rescuing his political career. In simple terms they believed that […]

Posted inNews/Politics

And the winner is…

Some say the ANC’s annual January statement read out by the president on Saturday was long and boring. What kind of assessment is that? Where were these people when brother Moammar Gadaffi caused his own interpreter to collapse with exhaustion after speaking for 94 minutes at the UN last September? And what about the young […]