Posted inNews/Politics

How did we get here?

How did the “Rainbow Nation” get to this point? How did this downward spiral pick up such momentum that not only are we headed toward the ways of Zimbabwe, we are gladly embracing the destination? Did this happen because as a people we have relinquished our responsibilities to politicians? All nations have a point where […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Dear Gareth Cliff…

By Justin Foxton Thank you for taking the time to write your letter to the government. I am certain it will be forwarded on many thousands of times and the GC brand will be all the stronger for it. Your transition from voice of 5FM to voice of the people has been fascinating to watch. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

‘Ag, there are no roadblocks so I can drink’

There she was. A pretty blond mommy of two darling children, cruising to where ever she was going in her shiny red Ford Fiesta. Whilst she was busy smsing on her cellphone, she forgot to use her indicator. Instead of going straight ahead she turned left. Next to her, her daughter – a pretty little angle in a white dress with pink flowers – was sitting on her knees, leaning on the dashboard. She smiled, mommy smiled, baby brother smiled. A happy little family. Bliss. What is wrong with this picture? Well, as far as I know EVERYTHING!

Posted inNews/Politics

The Conspiracy of the People

Democracy is not just about elections, and yet there is a vocal minority guilty of this reductionism, complicit in conspiring to commit political infanticide. The first inclusive, multiracial democratic elections in 1994 merely marked the culmination of a long, arduous negotiation process that sought to lay the foundation of a new democratic and constitutional order. […]