Posted inNews/Politics

The revolt against the ANC

Much as the majority of those who bother to vote will vote for the ANC, there is an increasing number of members, supporters and sympathisers who are increasingly “gatvol” or fed up with how it does things. In fact, some people have threatened or chosen to refrain from participating in the forthcoming local elections. But […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A Protea Revolution?

President Jacob Zuma in an interview with Beeld newspaper published Thursday said that he is confident that South Africa would never become a Tunisia in reference to the ongoing service delivery protests. The president was quoted as saying : “I can tell you there will never be a Tunisia in South Africa. We have a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Trading with the enemy

The last decade has seen a remarkable surge in US economic interest in the continent of Africa. Policymakers who once considered Africa the languid backwater of global economics are now rushing in to stake a claim in the continent’s enormous resource endowment. Most of this effort operates with a rhetoric focused on “partnership” and “development”, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Ronald Reagan at 100: The legacy

Ronald Reagan turned 100 this month, and his legacy continues to shape American politics from the social democrat White House to that woman from Alaska — especially in the realm of statecraft. Reagan, like President Barack Obama in 2008, was elected on a “transformational ticket” and, indeed, the former — politics apart — is said […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What is ideology?

The recent press coverage of my colleague, professor Pierre de Vos’s critique of a speech by advocate Jeremy Gauntlett, made me think about the question of ideology again. In his critique, De Vos writes: “For me what would be interesting and worthwhile would be to have a conversation (or even a heated argument) about the […]