Posted inNews/Politics

Springtime for Cameron

Riots? In the UK?  What shall we call this phenomenon, these marauders running riot with their Blackberries and bricks? The British Spring?  After the widespread pro-democratic protests in predominantly Muslim countries, we were all wondering: who’s next? What dictatorship is about to topple before the angry hordes? Secretly, some of us hoped for something similar […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Echo Chamber

The new monsters are different. Like Frankenstein’s creature, they are composed of the philosophical offal of the past century, with all its intellectual hurts and grievances. They have been reanimated, sewn together with the black thread bought in bulk by the far right. Intelligent, eloquent, urbane, they plow their considerable energies into forging new identities […]

Posted inNews/Politics

How to lose goodwill and anger a republic

I attended President Bingu wa Mutharika’s second-term inauguration at a packed Chichiri Stadium in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre in May 2009. His party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had led one of the most successful election campaigns in the political history of Malawi, amassing an unprecedented parliamentary majority. Mutharika’s first term was nothing like that, however. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Who belongs here?

By Athambile Masola I recently witnessed a disturbing incident: while walking through a parking lot in the shopping complex here in Grahamstown I noticed a young man approach a woman driving a Mercedes Benz with his hands cupped as though he were asking for something. The woman was already in her car and she rolled […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The characteristics of a true leader

By Sam Bradley Many studies have been done on leadership and, countless philosophers and theorists have attempted to discover its secrets. Following suit, I submit this list of characteristics that I believe make a great leader. Confidence A leader is a person with confidence in him/her self and their ability. They cannot be one dimensional, […]