Posted inMediaNews/Politics

When fact imitates fiction: The Snowden case

In the history of (especially moral) philosophy, a recurrent theme involves the tension between the affirmation of so-called “free will” on the part of humans, and its denial, or what is called (a variety of) “determinism”. Without going into too much detail, it seems to me safe to say that most philosophers have favoured free […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Cape Town and the Obamas

The hullabaloo around the award of the Freedom of the City to the Obamas (now accepted) reminds me of that remarkable day in September 2006 when then senator Barack Obama addressed a packed meeting at the Centre for the Book, organised and hosted by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the US […]

Posted inEqualityNews/Politics

Let’s celebrate the good times

Not too long ago, the government launched the framework to celebrate the 20th anniversary of democracy and freedom at Freedom Park. The event was attended by a group of eminent citizens who not only embody the values enshrined in the Constitution but in their own work and life display unconditional love for the country. Sadly, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Know Your DA insults blacks

“For the past 30 years we fought against apartheid law tabled in parliament.” This, among others, is a tagline from the Democratic Alliance’s perfidious “Know Your DA” campaign. “Know Your DA” is the DA’s kick-starter campaign for 2014 general election. The campaign was launched in January by the DA Leader and Western Cape Premier Helen […]