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ANCYL, cure thyself

The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) is the youth wing of the African National Congress. Unfortunately, unlike the youth wings of major parties the world over, this is not the fountain from which young blood and radical new ideas flow forth to the party but rather an ill-disciplined, militant rabble whose only sense of […]

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Notice where the ANC drew the line on Malema?

I know you’ve had enough of reading about Julius, but this one is different. Promise. Because it’s a bit of good news at last! Earlier today, the ANC issued a statement condemning the behaviour of Youth League President Julius Malema at a press conference yesterday towards BBC journalist Jonah Fisher. Malema called Fisher, amongst other […]

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Terre’Blanche — an economic murder!

Before the events surrounding the murder of Eugene Terre’Blanche become the stuff of legend, myth and spin, we must soberly look at his killing and shape an analysis of his death within the contexts of the dire conditions of rural farm workers, and the unequal social relations simmering in the countryside. For this reason it […]

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ANC must think South Africa, not members only

The African National Congress, as the current ruling party that provides the people who make up the government and the president of the country, are charged with running the country for all South Africans regardless of their political beliefs. Accordingly in responding to issues such as the murder of former AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, polarisation […]

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2010: The glue for a dangerously divided nation

It’s no secret that South Africa is once again at a crossroads. Racial tensions between black and white South Africans have reached their highest levels since the 1993 assassination of South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani which threatened to derail the country’s first democratic elections. This weekend’s murder of white far-right leader Eugene Terre’Blanche […]

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Yes, this is the definitive ET article

So like everyone in the whole country is writing articles about ET. A forest of opinion has been spewed forth. The internet is gigaflopping all over the pavement with blogs, vlogs, tweets, status updates and posts about Mr Terre’Blanche. Even Die Antwoord would be jealous. If you are trying to avoid this info-tsunami, this maelstrom […]

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Demise of Portsmouth: Warning to others

Portsmouth’s fall from grace might have come as a shock to the rest of the world, but a lot of people can’t really say they didn’t see it coming. How can a club with a stadium capacity of just over 20 000 and with no new plans expansion explain all those signings they made over four […]

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Mourning Eugene Terre Blanche

I was busy showing off my mean dance moves at a Jazz gig late on Saturday the 3rd of April 2010, when  my phone started to vibrate intermittently in my back pocket.  During the break, I then checked my phone messages to see that friends, colleagues and journalists – local and international – had been trying […]

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Mourning Eugene Terre’Blanche

I was busy showing off my mean dance moves at a jazz gig late yesterday, when my phone started to vibrate intermittently in my back pocket. During the break, I then checked my phone messages to see that friends, colleagues and journalists — local and international — had been trying to reach me, either to […]

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Is ET really a martyr?

Eugene Terre’blanche was murdered as he slept on Saturday night. Now ET was as controversial as they come in South Africa. To some he was a brave charismatic leader who went all out for his cause. To others he was an anachronism and a living embodiment of the darkness South Africa emerged from almost two […]