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Why football offers us the best model of governing our world

By Millington Gumbo A couple of things intrigue me in life. Politics is one, history is another, but it is football which trumps them all. Football is the ultimate meritocracy wherein skills and teamwork and not money or privilege determine the outcome. Life however, can be a little bit more complicated at times. The it-is-not-what-you-know-but-who-you-know […]

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Social Media 101

Social media is almost as ubiquitous as the cellular phone (if it isn’t, it will be soon). The widespread ease of setting up your business in the social universe and the inherent low cost in doing so, has spawned many attempts both successful and some not so — by businesses trying to harness the power […]

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The World Cup’s two faces

By Gcina Ntsaluba Cape Town was a bit of a buzz this week with celebrations to mark the 30-day countdown to the kick-off of the 2010 Fifa World Cup. Even the mayor, Dan Plato, showed up at the celebrations to share the spotlight with local artists, including JR of “make da circle bigger” fame to […]

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Did Lolly lick himself?

Just in case Steve Hofmyer reads this, let me preface so that we are clear: it is never good when anyone dies. Especially when it is an unnatural death, as this implies a violent violation of their rights, obviously. Now, when someone dies, and you ponder aloud the idiom “live by the sword, die by […]

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Proteas choking on stale air?

That didn’t last long did it? While South African cricket fans have become used to being underwhelmed by our national team, our recent exit from the World Twenty20 was even more whimpering than usual. What we are used to is a barnstorming start, then the inevitable loss in the knock-outs. Maybe Corrie van Zyl and […]

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The act of forgetting

Memory is pain. In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet portray a couple who each undergo a procedure to erase any memory of the other from their minds. The whole idea is to remove the pain and anger inevitably associated with a failed romance. But there’s a twist. The Jim […]

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Will Adobe’s Flash survive?

By Yoav Tchelet Steve Jobs has openly displayed his disdain for Flash in his recent letter to the Adobe faithful. The Adobe faithful have long been hoping for Apple to include support for the Flash platform in its devices, but this recent spat has cemented the fact that Apple will not support Flash in any […]

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Lacan’s theory of discourse

A commentator on one of my recent posts on discourse asked a question about the discourse analysis of capitalism. Lacan had something interesting to say about that — he remarked that the discourse of the capitalist is the “cleverest discourse” ever devised by humans. One may wonder why, but it is only when one has […]