Posted inGeneral

Beware — the sneaky bots are everywhere

Every time I write about privacy and security on the internet I get a whole bunch of people who accuse me of paranoia. They maintain I am looking for conspiracy theories — if you have nothing to hide, then why worry who is following you on the internet? Besides which, I’ve been told, as consumers […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyle

Eskom’s black presence

People in South Africa may understand fully the inconvenience of having a six-hour power cut (in the case of Cape Town several days in mid-winter) more than many other nations out there might understand, experience and tolerate. How can it be that a nation’s power utility was not fully prepared and anticipated the growth in […]

Posted inLifestyle

I am glad Christmas is over

I’m glad Christmas is over. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-Christmas, but I’m just glad that it’s over. The Christmas period used to be very special to me as a child because it meant holidays, new clothes and an abundance and indulgence in food, which is one of my favourite things still, but Christmas […]

Posted inLifestyle

Just call me Ms …

Listen up all you telemarketers, banking consultants, conveyancing attorneys, and the like, because this one’s for you. Don’t, ever, call me “Mrs”, at least not before you’ve taken the trouble to ascertain whether I am, actually, married. Let’s just take some time out and think about this. Calling someone you’ve never met before “Mrs” implies […]

Posted inLifestyle

Free inspiration

It’s a new year! How splendid. And in honour of the new year, I’ve got a new blog angle: these are a few of my favourite things. Basically, I’m going to be sharing with you things that I love — food, websites, quirks, funny things people say, music, moments of beauty. Sound cheesy? Well, maybe […]