Posted inMedia

Dishing up the sloppy seconds

Everybody makes mistakes. I know that only too well. How the hell I am alive today I have no idea. I am a Monarch of Mistakes, Emperor of Errors, Pharaoh of Fuck-Ups. Some I have walked away from unscathed. Some I barely stood up from. Others I have survived by nothing short of God’s interference. […]

Posted inGeneral

White man’s blues

Mr Vincent Maher: Sir, this letter is my response to your blog entitled “Thought Leader and racial/ gender representation“. The first trick in the book (as far as I understand) is that you’ve got to have something to say, and that I personally believe is what you’ve been overlooking when you ask: “Do you perceive […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Ubuntu: Myth or antidote to today’s socio-political and leadership challenges?

South Africa’s current conditions of misunderstanding and intolerance of difference, of leadership disconnection with the people and of business misalignment with holistic human development are screaming for something fresh. The manner in which we relate to each other as people sharing the same space (in all its manifestations!) is unsustainable and demands change. Here’s an […]

Posted inLifestyle

Come rain or shine

Waking up to pouring, violent rain — so hard that it seems impossible to get out of bed (but only if this happens on a weekend or other holiday day, so that getting out of bed isn’t immediately necessary!). Summer afternoon thunderstorms in Durban, when the whole world turns dark. Violent windstorms in Cape Town […]