Posted inGeneral

Naomi Klein on disaster capitalism

Naomi Klein’s recently published book The Shock Doctrine is itself a shocking revelation of the cynicism underpinning the relentless manner in which what she calls “disaster capitalism” opportunistically (mis-)uses various kinds of collective disorientation to establish new “markets”. Behind all of this lurk the economic theories of Milton Friedman — once discredited in the US, […]

Posted inLifestyle

Selfish parents breed violent young

Are young people with increasingly violent, self-destructive behaviour out of control — or is this the most self-centred, negligent generation of parents yet? Globally, young people in newly affluent societies are playing up — they stagger drunk from parties, consume an array of drugs, have sex at increasingly young ages and are disturbingly violent. Last […]

Posted inLifestyleTech

Using MXit to learn

MXit, the very cheap, very popular mobile instant messaging (MIM) application (that is actually a lot more), is coming of age. To clear the way for the rest of the discussion, I am aware of the dangers and risks of MXit: addicts — teens and working people — who spend hours a day tap-tapping their […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Call a racist a racist

It has been interesting to see how the media have been pussy-footing around whether the killings in Skielik informal settlement in Swartruggens in North West province earlier this week were racially motivated. An 18-year-old white man, Johan Nel, has been arrested on charges of murdering three people in a shooting spree that has left many […]