Posted inGeneral

Martyrs and reconciliation

Just over 14 years ago, at 5am on Monday January 17 1994, my mother was rudely woken by loud banging on the door of her tiny one-bedroom flat. She got out of bed, opened the door and was shoved aside as four policemen with R1 rifles stormed in and ransacked her home without giving her […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Innovative sites: Original, inventive, ingenious

Here are my top three favourite inventive websites: Springwise ( “New business ideas for entrepreneurial minds” they say. Only it’s so much more … Springwise has a team of 8 000 springspotters all over the world who submit interesting businesses they’ve seen at work in fields as diverse as Eco & Sustainability, Fashion, Life Hacks, Non-Profit […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMedia

Using Madiba

It was interesting to notice last week a few blogs on Thought Leader about Nelson Mandela, affectionately known as Madiba. I was hoping to respond to these blogs earlier, but blogging is not my full-time occupation and I just could not find the time to do so. I have always felt that many people use […]

Posted inGeneral

These blacks

These blacks. Sometimes I feel sorry for them. But mostly, I’m actually just tired of whites always being called racists just because we point out that things are screwed and the country is going down the toilet. We’re going to end up like Zimbabwe. And so what if Helen Zille or Tony Leon are white? […]

Posted inGeneral

Some black and white truths

It’s hard not to feel a little bashed around on Thought Leader these days. Bashed by black guys calling white guys racist, white guys calling white guys racist and every now and then just being blind-sided for daring to ask people not to be cruel to animals. When you can twist cruelty to animals in […]

Posted inTech

Divided we stand

As a socially conscious, free-thinking African with a will to do good and a keen interest in technology, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about the issue commonly called the digital divide. Simply put, it connotes the perceived difference between technology haves and have-nots. The haves are thought to be in a […]