Posted inBusinessMedia

The business of free

Many of the most popular websites in the world offer a free service, yet are hugely profitable. Free search from Google; free messaging with MXit; free news from Mail & Guardian Online, even free photocopies! Most people who use them haven’t even considered how these ventures might make money. In fact, if you consider the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Deeply disturbing premises

Last week, George Lekgetho, when arguing for the legalisation of prostitution for the 2010 World Cup, said: “It is one of the things that would make it [the tournament] a success because we hear of many rapes, because people don’t have access to them [women].” Statements like this one confirm all my worst fears about […]

Posted inNews/Politics

How the US elections work (part one)

If you are confused by primaries, caucuses, electoral votes and delegate votes, join most Americans in your frustrations. Forget “one man, one vote”, and take an aspirin while you sift through the confusion. Here is a brief synopsis: There are obviously two main political parties in the US: Republican and Democrats. The election process begins […]

Posted inGeneral

Why school fees?

Submitted by Paul Colditz The newly elected ANC president kicked off the new year with a seemingly sensitive and important issue, namely to institute free school education by 2009 for learners in 60% of South Africa’s public schools for the full duration of their school career. This declared objective requires extensive comment. On the face […]

Posted inLifestyle

In search of good CVs

It’s “must-find-job” season, and CVs are pouring on to my desk. With no fear of being too dramatic, I can safely say that 95% are horrendously presented. I once had a candidate tell me in his “About me” paragraph that “frankly, I am so perfect, my parents should be given a trophy”. Another informed that […]

Posted inGeneral

A ‘sudden’ return to reality?

Submitted by Conrad Booysen A normal, run-of-the-mill Monday was turned on its head in one act of senseless violence that ruined the lives not only of innocent victims, but their families too. I was horrified to read of the cold-blooded murder of the Skielik residents shot like worthless animals, an act for which Johan Nel, […]