Posted inLifestyle

Counting riches

Eyes that once turned green with envy now turn jaundiced at the flaunting of wealth in an increasingly superficial consumer society; the way success is measured by the sports car you drive and your designer sunglasses, loft apartment and chic choice of pretentious restaurant or coolest possible bar. South African urbanites are visiting New York […]

Posted inMedia

A new dawn

I suppose one could say notoriety has its own rewards or one media’s waste is another’s windfall, but that would be self-indulgent codswallop. The fact is I start off on a new road today — television journalism — as I join what looks like an outstanding team of journalists at in the sub-editing and […]

Posted inLifestyle

Design Indaba favourites

I’ve spent the past two days wandering around the Design Indaba at the Cape Town ICC, amazed by the ingenuity of South African designers. There is some seriously interesting stuff on display. Here are a few that stood out for me: Egg Design ( makes things of beauty. Its stand is an interlocking wooden puzzle […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Zuma FBJ briefing: The row should be about secrecy, not race

The Forum of Black Journalists is welcome to choose whoever it likes to attend its meetings. Black, white or blue. It’s a free country. But no journalists, of whatever hue, should be in the business of organising off-the-record briefings with political leaders. Wasn’t anything learnt from the infamous 2003 Bulelani Ngcuka briefing that caused enormous […]

Posted inGeneral

Mentoring and coaching in diversity

Different versions of mentoring and coaching have been around for centuries as forms of skills transfer and passing along valuable trades from older members of society to the younger generation. Experiential on-the-job training comes a long way as a form of education and skills transfer. It is only recently, as late as the 1960s, that […]

Posted inGeneral

Thin end of the pledge

Having withheld from commenting on the pledge issue, I ask myself if such a thing could help heal my country as it gets sicker by the day. Friday was one of lowest points this year, as members of my profession, our craft, exposed their racist hearts and were endorsed by an amoral autocrat thug who […]