Posted inGeneral

Our very significance

I was tempted to answer Mike Trapido’s recent question, “Is there life after death?”, in the form of a comment on his blog when I realised that such a big question perhaps required a bigger answer and more effort, and hence it quickly became an entire article. Firstly, and probably most importantly, I do not […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Keystone Kops

The police in South Africa today reminds me of the “kitskonstabels” (instant constables) the old National Party inducted into the police. The police may be getting more money from the government, and more bodies, but from what I’ve seen recently, they’re pretty pathetic as a rule. Shouldn’t we spend our money on training first?

Posted inGeneral

The annus horribilis of Africa’s last and only hope

Submitted by Felix Ngasama The year 2008 is so far proving to be South Africa’s annus horribilis since its rebirth as a new democratic state in 1994. Things haven’t been worse since 1994. This year has brought with it the aftermath of the ruling party’s most divisive national elections where Jacob Zuma, a man acquitted […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

More online treasure

Remember when I said that finding cool new websites was like tapping into a vein of gold? I seem to have hit the jackpot! Check these out, and tell me you don’t feel inspired. I won’t believe you. Freshly Found ( is a blog full to bursting with creative ideas and beautiful things, some homemade, […]

Posted inGeneral

Is there life after death?

Inayat Bungawala, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, wrote a column asking Guardian readers the following question: Is death the end? Unsurprisingly, he was flooded with responses from many communities and any number of schools of thought. So I figured that, seeing as your bosses are paying for your time anyway, let’s […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Fresh design blogs

I’m always intensely jealous of people who can blog with pictures. Words come easily to me, but although I love beautiful images, they don’t flow naturally from my fingertips. Here are a few of my favourite (really lovely) design blogs of the moment: Notes by Naive ( Beautiful photography of simple things, as well as […]