Posted inLifestyle

Along the Way: The real Durban

What happens if you take a writer, a photographer and an artist, give them 30 days and set them free in the inner city of Durban? Along the Way: 10 lives, 10 portraits. An intimate book of photographic portraits and stories from 10 different people living in Durban. From a priest to a retired whaler, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mugabe: Beginning of the end

The will of the suffering masses versus the gritty determination of Robert Mugabe to stay in power — that, in a nutshell, is the contest taking place across Zimbabwe this weekend. This time the people’s yearning for freedom appears greater than any force, including Mugabe’s desperation. It must be so. Change is in the air. […]

Posted inGeneral

Excuse me while I blame apartheid

Many white people see no just cause in blacks blaming apartheid for anything. It ended almost 14 years already; get over it already, they say. Often it is said with indignation, if not irritation, as though to say, how dare they! Those who insist we stop talking about it tell us it’s in the past, […]

Posted inBusiness

Is the rand’s decline overdone?

Is the rand overvalued in dollar terms? This graph, which compares the exchange rate for Australian dollars against the rand-dollar exchange rate, suggests that it is. The South African and Australian economies both depend on the exports of commodities, so it is not surprising that our currency and the Australian dollar have moved in tandem […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Hillary Clinton: Experience in watching genocide ignored or just lying in wait?

Christopher Hitchens launched a scathing attack on Hillary Clinton for her economy with the truth regarding a trip to Bosnia in 1996: “She’s being punished, not for one episode of ‘mis-speaking’, but a whole record of dishonesty. In Bosnian terms it’s more disgraceful than many remember. In 1992, Bill Clinton ran against George Bush Snr […]

Posted inLifestyle

Boston Legal. It’s brilliant

This seems to be the week of effusive praise. Have you watched Boston Legal? If not, may I suggest putting your computer to sleep (it’s environmentally friendlier) and heading down to your local DVD store to hire a series of it? Guaranteed, you won’t be able to do anything but watch it (and laugh, snort […]

Posted inTech

A man who helped me dream

“Having done several thousand interviews in all media, I’m now completely fed up with talking (even about myself). Everything anyone needs to know will be found in my own writings … ” February 8 1999 It’s a sweltering day in what is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the known universe. Three-wheeled taxis […]