Posted inLifestyleMedia

The Will Ferrell Fan Club

I used to find Will Ferrell extremely irritating. All that posturing, those dumb voices, that enforced stupidity. But then I watched Stranger than Fiction, which immediately zoomed to one of my top three favourite movies of all time (and which was on M-Net last night, if anyone happened to see it). Will Ferrell in a […]

Posted inLifestyle

Positively positive

I am tired. Flippin’ tired — of all those folks who spend their days complaining, bitching, moaning, whining and whingeing about how bad it is in South Africa. A week or so ago, I had breakfast with a friend and her buddies. One of them — a platinum blonde with well-manicured French nails and a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Denying the denial

Ours is not a nation in denial. Sure, much has been said — and denied — about the president’s views on HIV and its causal link to Aids. Comparable stuff has been written about his views, and those of the Cabinet collective, on crime, corruption, energy and Zimbabwe. And until very recently, I subscribed to […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

The racism is in the reading

The “firing” of David Bullard has kept my mind busy all weekend because I have an uncomfortable sense that something is very wrong with the situation and its various interpretations. Aside from these concerns, something that concerns me even more is that I don’t feel safe writing this post because I suspect the same mindset […]