Posted inBusinessMediaTech

The cause of the Web 2.0 bubble

Web techies are lazy when it comes to considering the business aspects of their latest Web 2.0 ideas. They spend even less time developing creative revenue models when they see that web businesses with little real revenue can be valued at $15-billion. When Adwords, Google’s paid search-engine advertising program, launched at the beginning of 2003, […]

Posted inMedia

Editor’s choice

After the previous post on reporters’ mistakes, Tash Joseph dared me to file a post about slip-ups I have made in the editor’s chair. Editors making mistakes? Never. OK, this is an expensive blunder I made during my first month as Grocott’s editor. I could hear the presses whirring. I could smell the ink. As […]

Posted inLifestyle

Three Cool Things

Yes, these things are Cool Enough to warrant Capital Letters: 1. Siyajika (We Are Turning) Underprivileged rural communities are taught how to germinate and nurture indigenous trees. They then trade these small trees (saplings?) for life-enhancing products such as building equipment, vegetable tunnels and water storage tanks to sustain them while they develop their business. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A redistributive presidency: Some incomplete thoughts on political leadership

The After 8 Debate raised an important question for me: What are the qualities of leadership? The debate provided important perspectives, especially that leadership is both complex and contextual. What qualities should the president of South Africa have to implement a programme of redistribution? As I argued in an earlier article, that programme is needed […]

Posted inLifestyle

Where do you start?

It feels a bit awkward doing your first posting, but hopefully someone will find it useful or at least thought provoking. I think on reflection that a key role for all parents, who by default play the major leadership role for their children, is to create an exploratory mindset in their children. I grew up […]

Posted inLifestyle

Raising a generation of substance abusers

Last week Friday, my company held its year-end function. You can imagine how important such an occasion is. Free booze and food and, of course, the whole dress-up-to-a-theme thing and the bad decisions regularly made by aesthetically pleasing females meant that I missed the slaughtering of a bovine creature feature on Friday at my cousin’s […]