Posted inMedia

From blogger to editor-in-chief

A new daily paper is expected on the streets of Spain on Thursday and when it comes out, its 31-year-old editor, Ignacio Escolar, is likely to set an international milestone: the world’s first blogger to become editor-in-chief of a national newspaper. Actually, Escolar is a journalist, and he has worked as such in many small […]

Posted inMediaTech

Online marketing in the mix

Upon pondering a topic for what would finally be my first and long overdue post on Thought Leader, I began wondering just why all the talk is around Facebook, YouTube, blogging and various other forms of social media. Has this discussion not been the core focus for months now? It is certainly the longest-running topic […]

Posted inTech

The paradox of technology

“Advancement” and “technology” are words typically mentioned in the same breath, and in most situations technology has made our everyday lives much easier — no more standing in queues in banks, no more taking cheques to people for payment and no more expensive phone bills to communicate internationally. People tend to forget, though — or […]

Posted inGeneral

Biko’s barren legacy

South Africa’s liberation would likely have been long delayed, had it not been for the brave leadership of Steve Bantu Biko — the struggle hero beaten to death at age 30, exactly 30 years ago this month. It was of course “his” Black Consciousness movement that reignited resistance and fed the youth rebellion, which in […]

Posted inGeneral

Isn’t life wonderful?

Here’s a disruptive thought: life is a spectacular thing, all the time. Life is what we are given. Or, to put it differently, it’s what we have. It’s the brute, unchangeable fact that connects us all. It’s what we all absolutely have in common, the singular reality on which there is, and can be, no […]

Posted inLifestyle

Isn’t life wonderful?

Here’s a disruptive thought: life is a spectacular thing, all the time. Life is what we are given. Or, to put it differently, it’s what we have. It’s the brute, unchangeable fact that connects us all. It’s what we all absolutely have in common, the singular reality on which there is, and can be, no […]

Posted inMediaTech

The blogging Player of the Week

After four weeks of excuses masquerading as blogs on “related topics”, the first blogging Player of the Week can be announced. The choice will not be a popular one among the blogging elite, but then this exercise is about recognition, not affirmation. First a recap: the original idea behind the Amablogoblogo is to recognise special […]

Posted inLifestyle

Livin’ the dream

To all those struggling writers out there, desperately sipping cups of cold coffee and dregs of red wine, smoking cigarettes until the ashtrays overflow and typing furiously until 3am, I have a message of hope: the dream is true. And to all those un-exotic writers waking up at a reasonable hour and studiously sitting down […]

Posted inLifestyleTech

Steve Fossett, and some extra cash for you

Steve Fossett is a millionaire adventurer who disappeared with his plane, somewhere over the Nevada desert. You want to help find him? Head over to The online books-and-everything-else seller has a rather nifty, but not well-known, service. It is called Amazon Mechanical Turk and its tagline is “Artificial artificial intelligence”. Basically, it is “a […]

Posted inSport

Good news on the local football front

Well some good football news this morning with the announcement that English Premiership side Tottenham Hotspur has signed a partnership agreement with Premier Soccer League side SuperSport United. The deal will see both clubs’ academies working closely together, which will surely benefit our local players. (No cracks about Spurs’ dreadful start to the season, please, […]

Posted inSport

Long live the underdog

It was 2003 and I was working for the Rugby World Cup’s internal news-wire service. Based in Perth, Australia, covering the Springboks’ pool, the Georgian national team were one of the teams with whom I spent a bit of time. What I found was a bunch of athletes whose dreams of representing their country in […]