Posted inMedia

Blogging: The great seduction

I have written for newspapers. But, apart from the (very occasional) story that made it to the front page, I can’t recall the same frisson of excitement I feel when I submit a blog posting. Ridiculous, really. Print journalists write for huge audiences: the Sunday Times has more than 3,6-million readers. One of its top […]

Posted inSport

The intriguing Mourinho is gone

Jose Mourinho is gone — at least from Chelsea football club. But what an impression he left. The figure of the histrionic, hirsute and handsome man in a grey Armani coat remains etched on our minds. Let’s get this straight from the outset, I support Arsenal. His leaving is, in a way, liberating; those who […]

Posted inLifestyle

The Knackered Chef

Since my public admission (on this website) about my non-existent handyman skills, I’ve recently been challenged on another essential “must have” before I can officially call myself a “millennium man”, but this one I refuse to take on the chin! According to my wife, I can’t cook, but picture, if you will, the following scene […]

Posted inMedia

Dealing with my attention crisis

As the amount of new information produced in the world every day escalates, so I find my attention span decreasing in equal and opposite proportion. As more people in South Africa start publishing their own media online — on Facebook, blogs, videos and podcasts — so my choices about what to pay attention to become […]