Posted inGeneral

Cellphone irony

We used to have to stare around the room uncomfortably in awkward social situations. Now we have the cellphone — an endless tool of distraction and exclusion in any place, at any time, in any situation that demands discomfort. Waiting rooms bloom cellphones like tumours. Even if there’s nothing doing on said phone — no […]

Posted inGeneral

Mark Gevisser’s careless writing

Mark Gevisser in his book The Dream Deferred contains gross inaccuracies about me. First on page 738 where he writes: “Charlene Smith would write in the Washington Post that rape was ‘endemic’ in Africa and had become ‘a prime means of transmitting the disease, to young women, as well as children.’” He gives the source […]

Posted inLifestyle

Are we all criminals?

I attended a debate on crime the other night and I was struck by one of the contributions from the floor. It was a clinical psychologist who asked why so many people who complain about crime engage in criminal activity themselves. I thought about this and realised that so many of us are guilty of […]

Posted inBusiness

Sustainability: From noun to verb

Corporate South Africa has long been riding the market value of buzzwords quite irresponsibly, along with the rest of a seemingly logically challenged world of commerce. Sustainability is one of these words. It exists in the minds of the economically driven community as a noun, something that pertains to a state of being towards which […]

Posted inLifestyleTech

Is there a doctor in the house?

Who says that modern technology and a customer-focused outlook can’t improve the services such as a doctor provides to his patients? This story about a Doctor 2.0, sent to me via my emailed Springwise trends update, is a refreshing take on the traditional profession of medicine. Here’s a doc moving with the times. Dr Jay […]