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I salute you Richie McCaw

A big congratulations to All Black captain Richie McCaw on reaching 100 caps for the All Blacks. I was really taken aback at the lack of pomp and ceremony around this milestone and was filled with questions as to why the captain was not showered with more on the night. In the week leading up […]

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Ubuntu — beyond the (ism)

By Nondumiso Hlophe When was the last time you really thought about how you choose your words? The words that you choose to use — or not to use — are often indicative of what you know and what you value. When I was younger, my mom told me never to use a word, unless […]

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Data gaga

By Bright Simons A cynic with an attitude called Aldous Huxley once made some remarks to the effect that experts go on meandering excursions in search of understanding only to discover at the destination that non-experts had been at the same spot all along. One matter that unites development experts and non-experts alike is the […]

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Ignore the URL at your peril

In the online world, the URL is ever-present. It is the digital home of businesses large and small, the currency of social exchange, and the thread on which the hyperlinked web exists. There can be few more important building blocks to the Internet as we know it, but all too often the humble URL has […]

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Steve Biko is dead?

Someone recently said that when Steve Biko died 34 years ago, his philosophy of Black Consciousness died with him. They went on to charge that his inspiring and life-affirming psycho-political programme had been badly mangled by the Azanian People’s Organisation, which could not comprehend its essence beyond their obsession with the politics of skin colour. […]

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‘Good’ girls, sex and Gareth Cliff

The Independent Online reported today that Gareth Cliff has been reported to the BCCSA for sexist comments while interviewing Angela Larkan, a young female philanthropist. To begin the interview, Cliff praised her for starting her work at 22, saying it was unusual because most 22-year-olds “do nothing but lie on their backs with their legs […]