Posted inGeneral

We have no black thought leaders

One thing that I find pathetic is the whole notion of a black thought leader. Such a thing does not exist. It’s rather striking that in the new South Africa you don’t find anyone making a big deal about “white economic domination” or a “white thought leader”, for instance. Not that this particular breed does […]

Posted inSport

An hour with Bryan Habana

Without any shadow of a doubt the greatest achievement of Bernie and Faith Habana is the way in which they have raised Bryan (and his brother and sister). He is not a study in fake sincerity or modesty and is a truly well mannered, decent human being who just happens to be a superstar. Regardless […]

Posted inGeneral

White man’s blues

Mr Vincent Maher: Sir, this letter is my response to your blog entitled “Thought Leader and racial/ gender representation“. The first trick in the book (as far as I understand) is that you’ve got to have something to say, and that I personally believe is what you’ve been overlooking when you ask: “Do you perceive […]

Posted inGeneral

Beware — the sneaky bots are everywhere

Every time I write about privacy and security on the internet I get a whole bunch of people who accuse me of paranoia. They maintain I am looking for conspiracy theories — if you have nothing to hide, then why worry who is following you on the internet? Besides which, I’ve been told, as consumers […]