Posted inLifestyleMedia

I read You magazine

There! I said it! Scandalous, isn’t it? Only, that “read” is past tense. Read. I read it, once, last week. And admittedly, the only reason I bought it was because my novel, Strange Nervous Laughter, was favourably reviewed in it (how’s that for fame? I’m reviewed in You magazine!) But I have to admit, I […]

Posted inGeneral

Material wealth, happiness and alienated youth

A number of recent events in the United Kingdom, as well as the United States of America, seem to suggest that a generally high level of material prosperity does not necessarily go hand in hand with human happiness, but, more disturbingly, that at least sometimes it seems to produce conditions that actually undermine happiness among […]

Posted inGeneral

Christianity owes us

I am often accused of fighting a battle that’s already been conceded with organised religion. In fact, this is the criticism levelled at many anti-religious thinkers: basically, that we’re beating a dead horse. Religion has moved on from its horrible past. In its current form, it’s something altogether more complex and intricate. So why spend […]

Posted inLifestyle

In the eye of the beheld

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, it used to be thus anyway, but now beauty has moved from the eye of the beholder and is now set firmly in the eye of the beheld. What kind of warped excuse for evolution of the human species is this?! In shrink mumbo-jumbo psycho-type talk, […]

Posted inGeneral

The tricycle phenomenon

I have a friend who is a Catholic priest. He’s a sanctimonious, arrogant prick of colossal proportions, but there’s no need to worry about my soul: I’ll say ten Hail Mary’s and all will be sorted. About twelve years ago, while under the grip of my three-year long flirtation with atheism, I was locked in […]