Posted inGeneral

Land grab!

I’m being invaded. The neighbours spend entire days on my property, and on more than one occasion they’ve managed to get inside the house. Just last night, I found one of them in my bedroom, acting as if he owned the place. Perhaps it’s cat karma. For months I’ve been without feline company, and now […]

Posted inGeneral

Wrong Mr Mantashe, invasion of Zimbabwe is unnecessary

African National Congress secretary general Gwede Mantashe told editors and journalists at a breakfast in Durban that neither tougher sanctions nor an invasion of Zimbabwe were on the cards. “I don’t think invading Zimbabwe or sanctions would work”. The ANC won’t “subscribe to an invasion and preferred to deal with Zimbabwe on a government-to-government level […]

Posted inLifestyle

Songs for the road

There’s something about a song that can take you right back to a moment. Compared to photographs, which are often a disappointing record of a holiday, music can bring your holiday back to life years later. This is why one should spend at least as much time in selecting which music to take along as […]

Posted inNews/Politics

ANC prepared to sacrifice credibility in order to support Mugabe’s lawless Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean police ignored a High Court decision ordering the release of Jestina Mukoko and eight other activists to a local hospital. Reuters are reporting that instead armed police have removed them to an unknown location. As in the case of the decision of the SADC Tribunal on land expropriation, Mugabe and the Zanu-PF are showing […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

‘Blacks’ or whites do not exist and the racist notion should have been dropped in 1994

Not long ago, a colleague of mine who spent over 30 years in exile said to me that seeing people as blacks, white, Indian or coloured is the antithesis of nation-building and non-racism. Using these outdated labels, he insisted, means that you are psychologically burdened with old and tired apartheid baggage. If we want to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Social media and the election

I’m just back from a magical eight day tour of South Africa with a group of great American bloggers and South Africa’s own Nick Haralambous, one of the geniuses behind Zoopy, Africa’s YouTube. The idea was to create some interesting content about aspects of the country that often get missed by old media, and have […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Why historically unANChored young black professionals are Coping very well

A struggle veteran was telling me that he has observed Cope has become a popular attraction for the young black professional class. Well, I don’t know anything about that as I have not attended any of their gatherings in plush homes, hotels conference rooms or hip cocktail parties and dinners. But he insisted that the […]

Posted inBusinessTech


One the world’s most revered brands, you’d think Google would employ best practice in setting up a local office. Not so. The search giant’s presence here is marked by a lack of local development, no commitment to equity and a company structure that sees revenues originated in this market shipped offshore. In this opinion: Google […]